Facts & Figures about Job Fair 2019
- Number of visitors: 1,500 visitors
- Visitors from all over the world
- Number of exhibitors: 20
- Number of presentation rooms: 1
- Number of presentations: 8
Visitors' profile
- Age of candidates: under 25 (12%), 25-30 (34%), 31-35 (22%), 36-40 (10%), 41-45 (9%), 46-50 (7%), over 50 (6%).
- Job Seekers
- Young professionals
- Top 5 native languages: English, Spanish, Mandarin, Dutch, French
- Industries candidates seek: Health/Pharma/Life/Science (16%), HR/Administration (8%), IT (11%), Legal (3%), Manufacturing/Operations/Logistics (5%), Marketing/creative Media/PR/Sales (8%), Hospitality and Tourism (5%), Agriculture (1%), Finance/Banking (7%), Customer service (3%), Education (3%), Engineering (14%), Consultancy/Management (9%), Others (7%).
- Work experience (in years): Less than 1 year (7%), 1-2 years (17%), 3-5 years (19%), 6-8 years (14%), more than 8 years (43%).
- Highest level op education: High school diploma (2%), Bachelor's Degree (37%), Master's Degree (57%), PhD (2%), Other (2%).
- 86% of the visitors travelled within the Netherlands to the fair while 14% travelled from outside the Netherlands
Visitors fall into the following three groups:
- Settled in the Netherlands and looking for their next career step
- New to the Netherlands and in possession of a work permit
- Living elsewhere in the EU but preparing a move to the Netherlands